Today, as I sat at a high top table in the window nook of the Nola Cafe in Frederick, Maryland sipping my whole milk/skim milk blend of a cafe mocha (delicious I might add) and looking out into the tight old city street of downtown Frederick, where cars lined the curbs on both sides of the one way street, trunks to hoods like colorful beads arranged one after another on a wire, a necklace that hangs on the curves and straight lines of a woman’s neck, I watched ten days after the Vernal Equinox as slushy icey rain and snow fell onto the hooded and trunked, umbrella-ed perturbed people their eyes wide open, heads down, sloshing their cautious way up the grey old town Frederick street.
Snow. Street. Ice. Sleet. Snleet. It was definitley snleet. It was a snleetish day. Snlettish way. SNLEET.
Hooray! I say for this snleet today!
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